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Y Combinator - Startup Library as Single pdf (12 MB) (ff.im)
65 points by Chirag on Aug 25, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

This is handy! But embedded flash adverts? Not for me.

What's in the pdf?

It appears to be a capture of the articles on this page: http://ycombinator.com/lib.html

Freaking awesome, thanks for this mate. Once i finish the current book im reading (on the train commute to work) i will have more great reading with this 12.8meg file :P.

I have read alot of PG's essays but it wouldnt hurt to re-read some of it again .. could notice things i hadnt the first time through.

I was expecting something useful - like legal documents, lots of howtos. For example: basic Linux networking including setting up services, basic security; legal documents, basic negotiating, basic people networking, PR strategies, etc...

This is just a bunch of advice - not really that useful.

Thanks for the library. Useful. However, I found a blog post cut-off.

Here's the post: http://evhead.com/2005/11/ten-rules-for-web-startups.asp

Sent to Kindle! ... props to whoever put that together.

This is great...thanks for the upload, Chirag!

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