I'm not saying it's not an issue. I just didn't find the article informative in any way.
And I was jokingly poking fun at the HN community, which obviously seemed to hit home to a lot of people.
I think it's a fascinating issue. Personally I would never move to the Bay Area mainly due to the huge imbalance in male/female ratio.
Not that NYC is heaven in terms of dating/sex life. I definitely don't get laid left and right. But at least the opportunity is there if I so chose to pursue it (which unfortunately since I'm a dude, involves work. I wish I could just set up an OkCupid profile and filter out a maxed-out inbox of requests).
The weather is much nicer in the Bay Area, and people don't look down on you if you are living on ramen while your investment bank buddies are raking it in.