The moment I saw the screenshots before the Keynote, I was like finally an Alfred replacement. However, while Spotlight now looks beautiful and very fast and still won't be a replacement for Alfred.
Opening apps and searching the file system is doesn't touch the surface of Alfred because what makes it powerful is the workflows. Just like what makes the iPhone great is the app store.
If I want to add an appointment to my calendar (Fantastical) I just type cmd + space "f Go the Movies at AMC tomorrow at 5pm" and it would automatically add it to my calendar with location and times and titles going to the proper fields all immediately without opening any apps. Or update Harvest timing tracking with a few key strokes.
I'm very surprised Apple didn't release a plugin api for Spotlight, but you can be sure they will next year at which time Alfred will slowly fade away eventually. We can all thank Alfred though for inspiring the new spotlight.
Opening apps and searching the file system is doesn't touch the surface of Alfred because what makes it powerful is the workflows. Just like what makes the iPhone great is the app store.
If I want to add an appointment to my calendar (Fantastical) I just type cmd + space "f Go the Movies at AMC tomorrow at 5pm" and it would automatically add it to my calendar with location and times and titles going to the proper fields all immediately without opening any apps. Or update Harvest timing tracking with a few key strokes.
I'm very surprised Apple didn't release a plugin api for Spotlight, but you can be sure they will next year at which time Alfred will slowly fade away eventually. We can all thank Alfred though for inspiring the new spotlight.