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> Looking for the Swift parallel scripting language? Please visit http://swift-lang.org

Did they not know or do they just not care?

I think the lawyers decided that they didn't need to care...

They have enough money to not care because they can cover the cost of the worst case scenario.

I think they just don't care. Swift-lang looks to be completely different when you look at the examples[1]. Its syntax is more java-y then Apple's iteration.

Also Swift-lang is Apache 2.0 licensed, which I have a feeling Apple wouldn't use as a base for a new language.

[1] https://trac.ci.uchicago.edu/swift/browser/branches/release-...

"Change your apps name. Not that big of a deal."

--Steve Jobs

There seems to be a tradition in corporate programming languages to reuse the name of a somewhat obscure existing language. Google called their language "Go" despite there being already a language called that as well.

Looks like they took inspiration for the icon also. Look at the second to last icon on that page.

more likely both icons were inspired by the bird's distinctive silhouette

I hate to admit, but dumb me didn't realize this was a bird. I thought swift as in quick.

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