Web developer and desktop application developer with 4 years experience. Primarily interested in working with GIS, especially interested in research oriented development, e.g. I just built a remote sensing system with commodity hardware for mapping out citrus trees, and we're working on publishing a study based on it. I'd love more of this in my life.
I'm willing to relocate for contract work. I'm also interested in part time remote work.
Python, C#, Javascript, PostGIS, ArcGIS, OpenLayers, MapServer, Geoserver, ArcGIS Server, Django, jQuery.
Resume: available on request
Contact: danielbporter@gmail.com
Web developer and desktop application developer with 4 years experience. Primarily interested in working with GIS, especially interested in research oriented development, e.g. I just built a remote sensing system with commodity hardware for mapping out citrus trees, and we're working on publishing a study based on it. I'd love more of this in my life.
I'm willing to relocate for contract work. I'm also interested in part time remote work.