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I assume this is exactly what said 50+ year olds were thinking about their elders circa 1970. "Generational change" is not the panacea it appears to be while in your 20s.

There are many things that were worse in the 70s [bigotry; racism; martial rape wasn't illegal in all states until something like 1993; etc].

The surveillance aspect was only 'less bad' because it wasn't financially feasible due to the tech at the time. So yes, I'd say the 'big issues' of the 70s were partially fixed by generational change.

The generational change from that generation did have effects, it didn't solve everything. It never does.

However, if you have a better plan that will have actual results, feel free to publicize and encourage people to follow it. :)

This time around, the issues are more subtle. Effective solutions will be privacy enhancing technologies adopted by individuals in a free market, rather than politics and movements, which are too blunt of an instrument. I believe, the ANC welcomed white activists and we should be careful not to alienate like-thinking people of any sort. On the false-positive side, youth can sometimes be callow and too easily persuaded to jump on the wrong bandwagon.(lovemenot aged 49.5)

That could be. I'm just not convinced any 'free market solution' will survive government 'intervention'.

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