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I don't think you have to do kernel work to warn people they should be cautious when submitting to mainline. As a matter of fact, I've read the book you mentioned, alongside some others such as Understanding the Linux Kernel by Bovet and Cesati, and I've brushed against low-level kernel features such as memory-mapped I/O or epoll, so I'm at least aware of what might go wrong if you decide to write a kernel module just for fun and then issue a pull request against the original source tree.

I don't think contribution should to be discouraged, but I do think that people who have no sense of responsibility should be kept away from the kernel source. Kernel development is not supposed to be for everyone, it's hard. Great expertise and technical mastery is needed to write good, quality and responsible code that is suitable for inclusion into a kernel that today powers so many different devices.

I will admit, again, that my warning was probably too harsh, but I still stand firmly by the viewpoint that "casual" or careless kernel contribution should be a no-no. It's one thing to poke around on your dev system to find out how stuff works, but entirely another to write an official patch to a system that millions of people around the world rely on.

EDIT: And when I say that "kernel development is hard", I mean that it's harder in the general case than writing most userspace code. It requires you to think of stuff you don't usually worry about (think of the all the race conditions that might occur) and let go of all the abstractions provided to you by the kernel, it's harder to debug than userspace programs, and you have to support a wide variety of hardware platforms, each with its own quirks. In fact, I haven't done any kernel development just because I was intimidated by how hard it is. I've tried writing a kernel from scratch (OSDev wiki was a great help) but it soon came to be a buggy and unmaintainable set of kludges that was barely doing any real work.

EDIT #2: Why I can't reply to replies to this comment? Is there a conversation depth limit on HN?

"Kernel development is not supposed to be for everyone, it's hard."


Given you've admitted to not working on kernel code, this seems like something you've determined out of reverence for the importance of the kernel, not something grounded in fact.

It's worth noting that the entire Linux project spawned from some "casual" development work by somebody doing it as a hobbyist project.

Your last point is just, ugh, oh so true. You don't get to be an expert in any field without diving head first into them at some point as an inquisitive amateur. Having a curious, naive spirit who isn't afraid to do things "the wrong way" and break a few things along the way is something we should be encouraging in our fellow hackers!

The OP's misaligned sense of responsibility honestly terrifies the child in me. I would not be where I am today were it not for the countless circuit boards I went through (nice way of saying completely destroyed) when I was 12.

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