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I managed to get Rust wired up to websockets pretty easily.

There are working zeromq bindings: so you can use mongrel2 to handle websockets (with or without TLS) and then service those requests with a handler written in Rust!

You have to write the handshake & protocol framing yourself; but there's a reference implementation in Python[1] that's only ~200 lines long and supposedly passed the Autobahn test suite.

Rust's model of concurrency also jives really well with mongrel2's architecture.


There's one gotcha: receiving on a zeromq socket through the C bindings blocks the OS thread. This will cause your program to deadlock if you're using Rust's green threading. (Native "1:1" threading is the default however.)

[1]: https://github.com/zedshaw/mongrel2/tree/master/examples/ws

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