>I think it takes someone from outside to really tell the difference.
from far outside :) It is hard to explain to anyone who hasn't seen local young women there spraying "Vapona" insecticide ("dichlorvos" ("dichlophos" in Russian)) on their open legs - quick and convenient solution for wearing daisy dukes in a killer mosquito and flies area :) If you know what Vapona/Dichlophos is and how it smells and what it does to your brain ...
from far outside :) It is hard to explain to anyone who hasn't seen local young women there spraying "Vapona" insecticide ("dichlorvos" ("dichlophos" in Russian)) on their open legs - quick and convenient solution for wearing daisy dukes in a killer mosquito and flies area :) If you know what Vapona/Dichlophos is and how it smells and what it does to your brain ...