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I think you are rather unfair about .NET, most likely because you don't know much about it, or you have not used much of it.

As someone has been keep a close look at the new developments of Asp.net (read: the new asp.net stuff, not the old Aso.Net webform stuff, which I genuinely hate) for the past few years, I think it is really becoming something attractive.

That being said, I have also used a lot of nodejs (yes, it is awesome) lately stuff, and tried to pick up things like CakePhp two years ago. I believe that I have a better picture of the situation.

So here it is, 1) Is asp.net going to win over some developers from the other camps? Maybe some, but not a lot.

2) Is asp.net going to win the heart of new developers who has not yet jumped into any camps? I think so, at least with a bit higher chance than before, given that it keeps improve/innovate at current speed.

3) Is the open source community going to love aspnet? Less likely, given the history of relationship between Microsoft and the Open Source community. But the situation will improve, as you clears see that Microsoft is starting to embrace OSS more and more, though still not enough on the fundamental level. That is because Microsoft is not at a position where it was before in the industry.

Sometimes, some people in the Open Source camp just have this blind hate towards anything Microsoft/.NET, without even trying to see what these things are. The same would also apply for people from the .net camp towards the OSS. That has been the situation for a very long time, I hope this would improve over time. The world today is no longer the same as the world yesterday.

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