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after thinking about this one for a while, it occurred to me that this really helps illustrate the point of 'Life May Be A Computer Simulation'. Take this world creation a step further, and rather than teaching a computer how to create rocks, each one slightly different, imagine creating humans, each one slightly different. If you think about 'God' as just some alien programmer dude, it helps make so much sense of the world. How can a caring God let so many terrible things happen to us humans? Well, how much empathy do you feel about each rock in this program? When you click refresh, and create a whole new world, do you stop and think about all the exist rocks you are 'killing'? If we are living in a computer simulation, perhaps our creator doesn't even realize we are sentient?

You realize you just explained a caring God by saying he doesn't care, right?

I meant, a common human question is "if there is a caring God, how can there be so much suffering in the world?" And maybe the answer is, human pain means nothing to him the same way computer generated rock pain means nothing to us.

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