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Using Java after C#? I am so sorry for you :(. You could've at least chosen Scala.

I'm more sorry for those stuck on .NET + Windows stack.

Been there done that. Modern Java + its ecosystem blew .NET + Windows out of the water, the earth, the solar system pretty much.

PS: Language syntax is probably solving 1/10 of my day-to-day needs. That is to say while C# might have a nicer features in terms of the language, the rest (lib, jvm, tools for jvm, IDE, frameworks, portability) are way below Java.

This. Most of the code I write is gluing stuff together rather than inventing new things which is what I'm paid to do.

A lot of people say this stifles creativity and is boring but the productivity is off the scale. I've built things that would cost £50000+ in dev time and licenses and take 3 months in .net in a couple of days in Java without spending a penny (reporting, messaging, email processing, document scanning, parsing, bulk processing, ETL, matching, logging). This is because someone already did the leg work and released it with an open source license meaning no license cost. Not only that, the ecosystem, Unix based deployment platforms are all easy to automate so jobs only get done once and stay working. Sure you can throw out an ASP.Net MVC web app quickly but that's the easy bit.

We can put £500,000 a year back into open source projects through time investment and donations if we replace .Net and still do better than break even on the dev cost.

Why? We write less code in Java than we did in C#. To be fair NetBeans writes most of it.

I still write C and don't hang myself because it doesn't have generics!

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