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I'd say from capability perspective it's huge.

But capability is half of the story. Tooling/ecosystems is the other half (re: MonoDevelop is still not up to the snuff).

Yes. If only JetBrains could release an IntelliJ-based IDE for C#, that'd be nice.

It really wouldn't be that hard, Roslyn's out there for compilation, and doing things like Intellisense.

IDE probably one big important piece, but I love to have Maven + its ecosystem for .NET (NuGet is not there, far from it).

That's a fair point, but now you can develop in VS on Windows and target pretty much every platform out there. They've also announced official support for Cordova, and they have the whole Xamarin thing going on. VS already has Python support, and Node.js tools are also being added.

This is starting to look like a pretty decent environment to work in.

I stopped using Windows for development platform for a while already.

While Windows ecosystems are gaining momentum, it's just not there yet.

Like you said it's just "decent environment", not better than what I use today.

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