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Show HN: Music for Squirrels – new iOS app (fiddlewax.com)
35 points by akumpf on May 5, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

I found this section on the Fiddlewax about page very interesting:

>A Small Caveat: For now, the word “we” is used lightly since Fiddlewax is currently just a team of one. This is meant to disambiguate personal opinions/experiences from the company’s perspective. We appologize if that causes any confusion.

I tend to use the royal We as well, but I'm not a good enough man to actually call that out anywhere.

We can confirm this tends to be a fairly standard practice.

Charge for this. Charge $0.99-1.99 and capitalize on the exposure you're getting.

Pricing is a tricky dance with apps.

For this one it's "free for the first week" as an experiment to see how things go.

So far there's been a lot of great feedback and interest in just a few days (yours included -- thanks!). I don't think it would have been quite the same with even a tiny $0.99 price tag. Hopefully the decision to start as free makes sense in the long run. :)

I was expecting this to be around $4-9.99. Which I will gladly pay for a quality music app. You can definitely charge at least a dollar (which is basically free).

Cool, I like this. I need to tell all my squirrels.

Oh man this is so much fun. I know nothing about music but I had a blast making a couple of terrible things.



Man, I love it! I really miss RJDJ apps we used to make some funny music experiments time ago. This is the nearest thing I've found and better!

I would love if you add like plugins or something for more effects or harmonics, as in-app purchases of course!

This is really cool! It looks amazing (and I'm only looking at the video). Sell it!

Cool, I like it. I've messed around with Keezy app a bit and had a lot of fun, but always wanted the ability to loop. This seems to fill that gap. Nice work.

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