There was an HN thread a few months back about autodidactic programmers, and many people said that one of the most important things for a developing programmer is to have a good mentor.
I think I'd really like a mentor.
Some things about me:
I've been coding for maybe a year, but I have a full time job so progress is not going as fast as maybe I'd like it to.
I've been doing Python (a very small amount of C# as well). I've read an intro book, and now I'm reading a book that goes into more depth with OO. I've solved the first 51 Project Euler problems, many of them with relatively elegant algorithms. I have a love for elegant algorithms.
I'm not sure what to do next.
Build a Django app?
Learn Java and build an Android app?
Learn Haskell?
Learn C?
Something else entirely?
I'm not locked into any particular field of programming yet - it all interests me.
If anyone feels like they would get any benefit out of mentoring someone like me, looking at my code and giving me pointers, giving me advice about what's wise to learn, I'd really appreciate it.
What this means is that, if you're serious about your personal spiritual development, you need three things:
* a mentor (Paul): someone that is more experienced than you and can help you grow in ways that you were unaware of and who can help you develop your personal gifting.
* a comrade (Barnabas): someone that is at your level whom you can mutually encourage and grow with.
* a person to mentor (Timothy): someone whom you are a Paul to.
I think this has applications beyond spiritual development; it can be applied to any field/dimension that you want to grow in. Part of my problem in college that I was always fixated on having a mentor but never asked myself who my Barnabases and Timothys were.
As the years passed, I put aside this unhealthy fixation on having this spiritual mentor and I found myself begin to grow as I embraced the people around me as Barnabases and Timothys. I don't want to discourage you from looking for a mentor; it's awesome to find one. But don't feel like you can't grow as a programmer/developer without one. Growth takes lots of different forms and it would be a shame, in my opinion, if instead of growing, you spent your time waiting for Godot.