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It really depends on the problem though. There are plenty of problems which are reasonably easy to get a parallelism speedup (even if not close to the ideal speedup) by only rewriting or restructuring small parts of the program, but where rewriting in C would be a hell of a lot of complex work.

A lot of people write terrible C code with a plethora of hard to find memory bugs. A lot of other people don't even know C at all. The GIL means that people can't even try[1] to get some speedup from Python without having to reach for C.

[1] I know, I know, Python lets you use multiple processes for parallelism. I also dislike the attitude that this is a an adequate enough solution that thread-based parallelism sn't needed, but that's a story for another day.

> "A lot of people write terrible C code with a plethora of hard to find memory bugs"

Wee it wouldn't need to be C. Also Ada, D, Fortran, Go, Java (Scala?), Lisp, OCaml, (Rust), or some such, would give speed close to that of C.

Not all of those have easy interop with Python though (since we're talking about Python here) and it requires people to know one of those languages.

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