So you're happy to generate the SQL via some language-specific API, and you're happy to have the results turned into objects...
What's the problem with an ORM again?
Half the point of SQLA is that the ORM is built on the core SQL generation. It's the least magical and most RDBMS-friendly ORM I've ever seen. It's designed for people who already grok SQL, not people who'd like to forget that it exists. You can even jam hand-written SQL into the ORM if you so please.
What's the problem with an ORM again?
Half the point of SQLA is that the ORM is built on the core SQL generation. It's the least magical and most RDBMS-friendly ORM I've ever seen. It's designed for people who already grok SQL, not people who'd like to forget that it exists. You can even jam hand-written SQL into the ORM if you so please.