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I guess that depends where you live. Where I come from (near Montréal), the issue has been talked of a lot and there are posters in colleges and universities. Probably high schools too, but I wouldn't know.

I didn't comment when I saw this thread because I thought "well, that's common knowledge..." Interesting article on an important issue nonetheless.

I'm not downplaying the fact that men get raped. This is an important issue and people should be aware of it. I did upvote the thread.

I personally have at least one male friend who was by any sensible definition raped by a woman, as an adult. There is good reason to believe that this is an extremely unreported type of crime, and the data appears to back it up. I've been talking about the NISVS 2010 study for two years now, and no one believes me when I point out what its surveys show.

[Edit: I see by now a lot of people have commented on this story. What stands out to me is that still, even in the face of the data mentioned in this story, much of the discussion revolves around prison rape with a male perpetrator. One of the points in this story is that even prison rape doesn't tell the most shocking part of the story of male victims of sexual abuse. Paraphrasing from the story: One of the studies of the Bureau of Justice data notes that in a certain subset of the data, 46% of the male victims of sexual assault reported a female perpetrator.

Citation: http://jmm.sagepub.com/content/12/3/275.abstract

This discussion is so far outside of people's gender norms and assumptions that it becomes hard to have a proper debate without constantly referencing the data. These are currently the best firm data sources we have on this subject, and the narrative should eventually change to reflect the available information. Women can be and sometimes are sexual offenders, and not only towards other women and children].

[2nd edit: Aaaaaaand it's flagged off the front page. Glad I was here two hours ago, or I would have missed this excellent summary of the latest studies in a very interesting branch of sociology. The large majority of HN users should really broaden their horizons a little].

>Aaaaaaand it's flagged off the front page.

Any discussion of men's issues is usually quickly suppressed by the usual parties. :/

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