Good...perhaps, iff you're aware that this is a cosmetic issue (less spam in the logs), rather than actual security (and that ports 222, 2222 and 22222 get just as much spam as 22).
Effortless...except you need to configure every client to use the non-default port. How much effort is that? IDK, depends on your use case.
That said, I consider it harmless; which is to say, the benefits and drawbacks are just about equal, IMNSHO.
> Effortless...except you need to configure every client to use the non-default port
I've never seen this as extra effort given I'm already in the ~/.ssh/config file adding an "IdentityFile" line anyway? The only time you wouldn't is if you are using the same (default) private key for every configured connection. I will faithfully assume that no-one is advocating for that :)