Note that the people who espouse Erlang are espousing the Erlang VM (mainly because it doesn't have a name besides "the Erlang VM".) Nobody likes Erlang's syntax. Nobody likes Java on the JVM either, but Clojure's pretty great. Use Elixir, and you get pretty syntax, and also "string support" and "a consistent stdlib" for free.
And, since other people have already rebutted your statements about structs and hashes, I'll ignore that. †
On needing speed: for IO-bound operations (concurrent ones especially), Erlang is faster than Go. For CPU-bound operations, Erlang knows it can't beat native code--so, instead of trying to run at native-code speeds itself, Erlang just provides facilities for presenting natively-compiled code-modules as Erlang functions (NIFs), or for presenting native processes as Erlang processes (port drivers, C nodes.) If you run the Erlang VM on a machine with good IO performance, and get it to spawn the CPU-bound functions/processes/C-nodes on a separate machine with good CPU performance, you get the best of both worlds.
And finally, on "every program having to pay the costs": is someone forcing you to use Erlang to create something other than fault-tolerant systems? Learn Erlang. Learn Go. Learn a bunch of other programming languages, too. Use the right tool for the job. The article is the rebuttal to people who claim that Go replaces Erlang in Erlang's niche, not a suggestion to use Erlang outside of its niche.
† For a bonus, though, since nobody seems to have brought this point up: Erlang has always had mutable hash tables, even before R17's maps. Each process has exactly one--the "process dictionary." It's discouraged to use them in regular code, because, by sticking things in the process dictionary, you're basically creating the moral equivalent of thread-local global variables. However, if you dedicate a gen_server process to just manipulating its own process dictionary in response to messages, you get a "hash table server" in exactly the same way ETS tables are a "binary tree server."
Erlang's syntax is not my favorite, but as a professional programmer, it's just something you deal with. You get used to it, and in the end it's ok to work with. Over time, as a programmer, unless you live in some kind of Java silo, you are going to deal with lots of different languages and syntaxes. I've used, professionally: C, Tcl, Perl, Python, PHP, Java, Ruby, Erlang, SQL, HTML, and probably a few other things I'm forgetting. After a while, you get to the point where you can pick something up and use it and appreciate what's good about it without getting hung up on its warts, unless they are such that they really prevent you from being productive. Erlang's syntax does not fall in that category.
> Note that the people who espouse Erlang are espousing the Erlang VM (mainly because it doesn't have a name besides "the Erlang VM".) Nobody likes Erlang's syntax.
I think lots of people like Erlang's syntax and find it well adapted to what Erlang strives to do. There are certainly people who don't, but like its features, but I don't think its at all true that praise for Erlang is just praise for BEAM (and, yes, the current Erlang VM does have a name, as does its predecessor, JAM).
I mean, Erlang's supporters have made Erlang-to-C and Erlang-to-Scheme compilers, and the main distribution includes a native code compiler (HiPE), so its pretty clear that its supporters don't think that the VM is the only good thing about Erlang.
I like the erlang syntax, and think its pretty easy to reason about honestly.
The only thing thats goofy is the ,;. endings but I just stopped thinking about them after a few months of writting erlang and it became second nature just like everything else.
It's not really "BEAM on the JVM", it's actually a translator of BEAM compiled code to JVM bytecode. But the concept is similar, the target for Erlang is important, but so far a variety of things have been used. JAM was the original VM, later BEAM, later BEAM with HiPE. See [1] for some more information. There was also, apparently, an Erlang-to-Scheme translator. It'd be interesting (does this exist yet?) to see someone implement Erlang semantics in Racket.
While it's true that Erjang translates BEAM code, BEAM itself also does this to yet another more modern internal code (. I'd still consider both BEAM implementations.
Yes, though Erlang has many built-in functions that make it more than just a byte code runtime. See Erjang with the j for an example of a BEAM written on the JVM.
One thing that complicates the construction of a new compatible virtual machine is that the beam files are actually pre-processed at load time into another internal format that is then executed by the vm. Nevertheless see for example they have build a new vm running on top of xen.
And, since other people have already rebutted your statements about structs and hashes, I'll ignore that. †
On needing speed: for IO-bound operations (concurrent ones especially), Erlang is faster than Go. For CPU-bound operations, Erlang knows it can't beat native code--so, instead of trying to run at native-code speeds itself, Erlang just provides facilities for presenting natively-compiled code-modules as Erlang functions (NIFs), or for presenting native processes as Erlang processes (port drivers, C nodes.) If you run the Erlang VM on a machine with good IO performance, and get it to spawn the CPU-bound functions/processes/C-nodes on a separate machine with good CPU performance, you get the best of both worlds.
And finally, on "every program having to pay the costs": is someone forcing you to use Erlang to create something other than fault-tolerant systems? Learn Erlang. Learn Go. Learn a bunch of other programming languages, too. Use the right tool for the job. The article is the rebuttal to people who claim that Go replaces Erlang in Erlang's niche, not a suggestion to use Erlang outside of its niche.
† For a bonus, though, since nobody seems to have brought this point up: Erlang has always had mutable hash tables, even before R17's maps. Each process has exactly one--the "process dictionary." It's discouraged to use them in regular code, because, by sticking things in the process dictionary, you're basically creating the moral equivalent of thread-local global variables. However, if you dedicate a gen_server process to just manipulating its own process dictionary in response to messages, you get a "hash table server" in exactly the same way ETS tables are a "binary tree server."