I work from home part time (living in a small apartment) and built a standing desk out of a shelf, a piece of wood and a black glass plate. I specifically designed it as small and simple as possible so my work space has no physical distractions and there is no space left for piling paperwork.
I also created a physical Kanban board to manage day-to-day tasks, it's right next to the standing desk and I enjoy its omnipresence because I can always see the big picture of my work. (also the mere exposure effect kicks in :) )
I also created a physical Kanban board to manage day-to-day tasks, it's right next to the standing desk and I enjoy its omnipresence because I can always see the big picture of my work. (also the mere exposure effect kicks in :) )
Here's a picture, it's small, it's simple, I love it: http://www.patrick-wied.at/misc/img/standing_table.jpg