The irony of this realisation that Google have changed the game completely is that it is occurring long after the horse has bolted, and so much so that it may not be entirely valid to target Google with so much venom. The reality is the SV bubble has created a way of valuing things (privacy, IP, money itself) that is not in keeping with the old world at all (being much of western Europe, NYC, LA etc.) and is just moving on regardless of their concerns, many of which I do happen to share.
Arguing the rights or wrongs of this is already too late, and the question to be asked is given the changes in the way things are valued how are you going to justify your existence in future? The very fact Google are struggling to create new revenue streams that rival their ad one shows how difficult this new game is to play, even for those that created it, and even for those apparently so dominant.
This isn't unique to SV as the other great growth area on the planet, China, has its own interesting take which bunnie called gongkai:
You can only conclude that there is something holding back the old world.
If it were not obvious, regulation is going to achieve SFA, and the only way to change the system is going to be to play it in such a way you get to pick the rules. That used to be quietly whispering in the ears of authority, but that is clearly no longer as effective as Mr Döpfner would like.
Try not to use acronyms; it's jarring to have to pause, go look up "Sweet Fuck All," and resume.
Thanks though, for pointing out that Google is choosing to pour their efforts into finding new areas of profit outside search. Obviously they could have pursued regulatory capture instead, but so far it seems they're staying white hat.
Arguing the rights or wrongs of this is already too late, and the question to be asked is given the changes in the way things are valued how are you going to justify your existence in future? The very fact Google are struggling to create new revenue streams that rival their ad one shows how difficult this new game is to play, even for those that created it, and even for those apparently so dominant.
This isn't unique to SV as the other great growth area on the planet, China, has its own interesting take which bunnie called gongkai:
You can only conclude that there is something holding back the old world.
If it were not obvious, regulation is going to achieve SFA, and the only way to change the system is going to be to play it in such a way you get to pick the rules. That used to be quietly whispering in the ears of authority, but that is clearly no longer as effective as Mr Döpfner would like.