don't bother wasting your time there, someone should make a digest of it. Here are the few things that were in there that you might find useful if you can't do them yet and that you could learn in a weekend when your leg isn't functioning the way it should: (remotely related to hacking)
- Learn to Pick a Lock.
- soldering (though any hacker worth his/her salt can do this already)
How did sign language get on there? It's like learning any other foreign language AND it's harder to find materials to study alone AND there's an entire shift in mindset from expressing things in sound to expressing things by position and movement. Pretty sure this is a task for more like 200 weekends.
- Learn to Pick a Lock.
- soldering (though any hacker worth his/her salt can do this already)
- read braille
- juggling
- sign language
I'd like to add my own here: basic electronics