Could we have a new feature / just a hint how the number of users online are changing a day?
There are many interesting posts not hitting the frontpage posted at the wrong time of the day.
For example there is a burst around 1PM(GMT+2 timezone) when there are many new submissions and heavy upvoting.
For sure there are other bursts too important for the "natural selection" of posts hitting mass audience.
here's what i noticed - there seems to be a surge of new users since last week or so and not a good "burst" at that. I gather from what I see - these karma conscious users picking links straight from reddit and few friends bring it to the first page.
I still cannot believe I clicked on "you think you are a rockstar programmer"....when i came back - for a few seconds I was hallucinated by the thought - was this HN?
...and of course, when there are no interesting topics on the front page and all we have is links like "are you a rockstar" - what better time to go into long discussions about flag this or flag that. This usually happens during this phase of onslaught of new users (my perception).
when there are a few interesting topics, we tend to ignore/overlook the link baits.
..sorry if my response is away from your question's context...i had a "bad" HN week'