You can even take this a step further: using `float` instead of `kilogram` is leaking an implementation detail. It's (probably) too low-level of information to actually be useful.
Luckily, more and more programming languages are making creating these simple types easier. Haskell:
The issue with doing this of course, is that it's mostly useless to computation. You lose the ability to use mathematical operators because you're no longer an instance of Num, and even if you create the Num instance, or use -XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, you can't multiply a Kilogram by a Meter/Second for example, since the arguments to (*) must be of the same type. One would need to use a generic "Measure" type instead, where the unit is some metadata attached to it, and the Num instance implements the typechecking on units.
You're quite right about the limitations imposed when you make your own dimensional types like that. It turns out the problem isn't trivial. Which is why I prefer to use a library like Dimensional. With Dimensional, you get plenty of units out-of-the-box, you can define your own if needed, and you can perform arithmetic in a fairly natural way.
And unfortunately even with a "generic Measure type" you can't actually enforce anything at compile time. The "Num" typeclass was not very well designed (given the current facilities of the language, some of which didn't exist at the time Num was designed, so no aspersions cast at the designers!).
Right. An interface exposed with integers may wind up using floats internally, or vice versa; numeric algorithms may wind up doing arbitrary things to precision and accuracy; &c. "You are passing around a float" puts some bounds on what can be delivered but that isn't really sufficient information when it matters and is useless fluff when it doesn't.
"So you've got to typedef single-field structs instead."
Which, thankfully, don't add any runtime cost (as should be expected).
As an aside, you don't actually need to typedef them at that point, but it saves you having to write "struct ..." everywhere so it's typically worthwhile.
Luckily, more and more programming languages are making creating these simple types easier. Haskell:
Rust: In fact, this blog post, while a bit outdated, shows an application of this idea, to solve string encoding issues for HTML templating: