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To my eye, XFCE in Xubuntu looks a lot better than in ootb Debian. Might want to give that a whirl.

Also you check out tint2, which is a nice 3rd party panel also used in Crunchbang.

Agree with you XFCE in Xubuntu. I just can't force myself to like Unity, stock Debian is ugly, and LXDE on Lubuntu looks flat out terrible on my 1080p monitors. Just a smeary blue and silver mess.

I don't think XFCE is perfect, but it ticks the important boxes for me. So much so that I just use it out of the box now rather than rolling my own from a vanilla OpenBox install (a fun exercise, btw).

Way better. Xubuntu have done a ton of prettifying. Wish they'd upstream this work.

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