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Might want to wait until the first 'delta' (14.04.1) round June if you are happy with 12.04 for a few more months and your machines are used in production. Rough edges smoothed &c

If it is just a personal machine, have at it, I was using the Ubuntu Gnome 14.04 beta for some weeks with no major issues.

I'm still on 12.04 LTS and haven't been paying much attention to the updates since then. Are there any huge changes in between as far as the general day-to-day experience?

I've not been following 14.04 desktop and the evolution of the Unity desktop closely.

Others may wish to comment with specifics here.

The main reason I (as an end user with one laptop) have moved over to Gnome based UI is LibreOffice and the ALT keyboard mnemonics.

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