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Awesome, thank you. Those of us who waste^H^H^H^H^Hspend our lives pondering these things need to stick together. Cheers.

Off-topic: ^W is more efficient and carries the same connotation of a strikethrough. I only recently found out about ^W myself, so am curious whether you actively chose ^H (character delete) over ^W (word delete), or whether this is something that people don't know about as bash/emacs commands?

I feel that ^H is more widely known because those are the actual characters that people used to see in older terminals before remembering to type "stty erase ^H".

I used ^H because that has become the standard way to indicate a "correction" for humorous purposes. As to why that became the standard, it does go back to the days before Delete keys started going where the Backspace key is supposed to be, requiring that the erase character be set to DEL to compensate. It has nothing to do with emacs.

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