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Looks like a good choice, covering quite a few strengths. Unlike many "external" hires plucked from industry to lead university divisions (which doesn't always work out well), Moore is as much of a CMUer as a Googler: He was professor in the school he'll now be dean of from 1993 to 2006, and has maintained strong ties since, so is quite familiar with its culture and operation.

And from 2006 to present he worked (practically) next door to CMU at Google's Pittsburgh office, which was set up specifically to make and maintain close ties with the school.

They recently moved their office to Bakery Square, probably due to space constraints in the CIC. It's not exactly far away, but no longer right next door.

Seems like a good move. It sends a signal that it's ok for faculty to work in industry. Probably a net benefit to the school, but perhaps may have some unintended consequences of faculty leaving too.

Doesn't CMU also have a campus or program in Silicon Valley?

Also another campus in Qatar, I've been to all three (collect em all!)

Yes. It is housed inside the NASA Ames complex. Some masters and Phd programs.

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