It doesn't link for me on Ubuntu 13.10. I wasn't going to be too hard on a quick project for being unportable, but a broken build tool makes it difficult to get working anywhere.
> This is tricky. This uses the ssl3_write_bytes() function in order to send heartbeats encrypted after the SSL handshake is complete. This function is sometimes exported in OpenSSL libraries, and sometimes not.
> If that's the trouble, then you have to download and build OpenSSL, then link this tool with their object files. I did this by doing:
git clone git://
cd openssl
make depend
gcc ../heartleech/heartleech.c libcrypto.a libssl.a -ldl -o heartleech
> This is evil, because I'm simultaneously linking to the local libraries and the system libraries for OpenSSL, but it seems to work without too much trouble.
Sorry if I wasn't clear, but I did try that. Result: I finally got it working by using instructions from a different heartbleed PoC: