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My understanding is the guy that runs the site bills himself as someone who posts top secret documents, usually government or corporate, from secret or anonymous sources. Kind of like a wikileaks before wikileaks came around. For him to post an excerpt from a book you can buy on Amazon is a bit, well, anticlimactic.

You make john young sound so tacky when you say "he bills himself as..." I remember downloading things from him over my modem. He has archived tons of things over the years.

I'm not denying sometimes he has interesting and even important documents on there...just sometimes it seems a little over the top or vengeful. I would say at times, I'm glad he's doing what he's doing; at other times I get a little worried. Admittedly sometimes, it's not his fault but those of his contributors - I suppose he often puts things up unedited and verbatim and there are some that are very conspiricacy-theorist

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