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A space before the command stops it from going in your history, though.

is that only for certain distro's because that isnt true on debian:

115 history

116 history (1 space)

117 history (2 spaces)

118 man passwd

119 passwd -a (1 space)

120 history

121 passwd -a (2 spaces)

122 history

You can control this with the HISTCONTROL and HISTIGNORE environment variables: http://askubuntu.com/questions/15926/how-to-avoid-duplicate-...

Thank you for providing something of technical value in this conversation.

Much to my dismay this is not true. By default debian is configured to `ignoreboth` ie dupes and spaces. Like you I also change the debian default for HISTCONTROL. Lines 11-13 of /etc/skel/.bashrc:[^1]

  # don't put duplicate lines or lines starting with space in the history.
  # See bash(1) for more options

[^1]: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~doko/+junk/pkg-bash-debian/vie...

Provenance for /etc/skel/.bashrc:

  dfc@ronin:~$ dlocate /etc/skel/
  bash: /etc/skel/.bash_logout
  bash: /etc/skel/.bashrc
  bash: /etc/skel/.profile
  dfc@ronin:~$ apt-cache showsrc bash |grep ^Vcs-
  Vcs-Browser: https://code.launchpad.net/~doko/+junk/pkg-bash-debian
  Vcs-Bzr: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~doko/+junk/pkg-bash-debian

It's controlled by the HISTCONTROL variable in bash. If it contains 'ignorespace' (or 'ignoreboth' to ignore duplicates as well). Check the man page for more details.

Anyone know why this incredible hack was introduced in hr first place? In my entire career this "feature" had only caused annoyance after copy-pasting a command.

Why not have a shell command called 'nohist' to wrap a command line?

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