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I've got ADHD something fierce and, even when medicated, it takes me a long time to organize my thoughts in a way for others to understand. I need to process my notes for the video linked to below, identify the problems being discussed, as well as how a hackerspace can solve (or begin to solve) them. I've tried to get people to help me with this, but every attempt gets sidetracked by people wanting to debate whether or not the problems are real or discussing their own ideas for how they should be solved.

I need someone to step out of their head and into mine for a little while (couple of hours via Google Hangouts?). I'm totally down for discussing the existential aspects of the problems and any ideas people have as far as how to address them....but not until I've managed to get my vision organized into something that makes sense.

Video of that panel is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J45z8aMwl-U (apologies for the low quality...I'm a coder, not an editor, and this was a hack job just so that I could rebuild the results of my research, which I no longer have access to. Also, the video is only 75 mins long, but got doubled in the conversation process; it's black and silent for the second half)

Email me at crawford.comeaux@gmail.com if able/willing.

Here's the photo album of my notes, which I'm typing up right now: https://www.facebook.com/crawford.comeaux/media_set?set=a.10...

The beginnings of a mind map based on my notes: http://www.mindmeister.com/397541621

Background on the project:

I'm trying to start a hackerspace in Lafayette, LA with the goals of designing the space & defining the culture I want to cultivate in it so as to meet as many needs of the underserved creative community as possible. A few years ago, I researched innovation ecosystems, what they need to develop a startup culture, and what Lafayette does or doesn't have. A few weeks after wrapping up that research, an event took place with a panel discussion that identified needs/challenges facing the artistic community in town; they were exactly the same as the needs I'd identified for us to (hopefully) begin producing more than just a few startups a year.

What's your time frame for this? I'm really tied up through Monday the 21st, but if you contact me via Skype or Hangouts (see profile) on the 22nd or later I'd be glad to help.

Also you might not remember me, but I think we met at a Startup Weekend in Baton Rouge in 2011? Maybe it was 2010? Either that or some other similar event in NOLA. I'm in Christchurch New Zealand now, but I miss Louisiana something fierce.

I'm really hoping to be done by then. Trying to knock this out ASAP. Good to re-meet you :)

I have pretty bad ADD, but I guess I'm lucky that my medication helps a lot.

I'll try to set aside some time to watch this video and take some notes. It may take a while but I'll ping you if I manage not to get distracted in the process :)

I tend to have much greater success in accomplishing tasks if there's a collaborative way to do them with someone else.

I'm currently tethering my laptop to my phone, so this may not work, but I'll try setting up a Google Hangout On Air with the YouTube plugin for simultaneous viewing in a few mins.

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