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I think it's fair to say that if you don't know who weev is, then very little about the case would interest you, including a summary of the legal decision.

Similarly, there's a posting now titled "Finally, usable GCM cipher suites in SChannel" ( https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7574678 ). I don't know what a GCM cipher suite is, nor what SChannel is, nor why it's a relief that this has happened. The link itself is not insightful. While it expands GCM as "Galois/counter mode", that's meaningless to me.

BTW, in this case, 'weev' matches some 63 other HN posts, though several provide no more summarized context than this link text. (Eg, a couple of other posts directly to other legal documents, a story about visiting weev in prison, and a letter from weev while in prison.) A Google, Yahoo, and Bing search all return http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weev as the first hit. Perhaps one of those can provide the background you're looking for?

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