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Well, from my memories most of the cars in the cartoon Transformers had little in comparison to real-life cars. I viewed them as more generic truck, generic sports car, and the like. Sure, some of them matched fairly well to real cars but for the most part they did not. Plus I guess it depends on how many American style cars made it into foreign markets.

I agree that if one lived in a country that didn't have deserts with small mountains it might be difficult to relate, but there are many areas of the world that appear much the same as the American southwest. Especially in the generic way it was portrayed in the show. Although, there's a point in there about the style of housing as I'm sure that varies quite a bit.

In the end, since it was a toy line intended to enter the American market, you are probably more correct in that than I am.

The modern movies don't count because what you describe is Michael Bay, not Transformers. The themes you describe in the movies is similar themes in just about every movie Michael Bay directed. A large number of the vehicles are GM cars, due to money I'm sure, but I would say the lineup of vehicles is more diverse than how you describe them in the cartoons.

As for your last bit, if you are stating that in lines of marketing to sell toys, I agree. If it is propaganda to benefit government something or other programs, I fail to see how you've supported that thought even though that seems to be what you are trying to say.

Am I misunderstanding?

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