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Recommended Reading List
8 points by laxatives on April 11, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
I recently graduated and find I have a lot more time for self study. I was also a bit inspired by the previous discussion on Alan Kay's reading list and wanted to ask for any recommendations. I would love to find another book(s) that will impact me like SICP and GEB. I'm currently reading High Performance MySQL and I just purchased The Ruby Programming Language and Cracking the Coding Interview, but they aren't exactly the same scope as the former two (not that this is a bad thing). Any suggestions? Some topics I have been interested in are Networking, Unix/Linux, Bash/shell scripting (including sed/awk), Java, Ruby, Lambda Calculus -- I don't know anything about lambda calculus, I just have a passing interest.

Here is a partial list of the books I have considered purchasing next:

How to Prove It: A Structured Approach

Computation: Finite and Infinite Machines

The Art of Computer Programming

Practical Object-Oriente​d Design in Ruby

The Linux Programming Interface

I know some of my former professors have actually read reference manuals cover to cover. Would this be beneficial, or a waste of time for a normal software developer? I was thinking of reading Java The Complete Reference 9/E, but it would be a pretty hefty endeavor and probably take a good chunk of a year (I tend to try to read 3-6 books at a time).

Why not think outside the box. (I apologize for the overused cliché.) Reading is only a means for learning something which is the outcome that you want.

Like you I like reading books (and still do), but I found out that I can learn much faster and efficiently through programming courses offered in sites like tutsplus, treehouse, infiniteskills, etc.

That doesn't mean that you should stop reading books, for all I know those video courses are an effective learning companion. You can subscribe to any learning sites that you want, but if you ask me tutsplus is a good one.

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