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Oh please.

The CIA operative Valery Plame was crucified because her husband (a diplomat) that investigated the yellow cake claim in Africa wrote about how it was a sham drummed up for the war.

"He didn't technically lie" - Sure he did. They knew what the truth was. They knew they needed an event to galvanize American support for action in the middle east. They knew what they were doing with how they worded the "War on Terror" lumping in Saddam with fucking Osama. When 75% of Americans think Saddam had something to do with 911, we are way past just cherry picking stats. We had psychopaths that were concurrently trying to extend American power and their own gain invade a country that had very high strategic interest.

I'm not even partisan about this. Most of the American politicians that I like are Republicans. This is complete horse shit.

They fooled me. I voted for Bush in 2000; I supported the war after the State of the Union address. I maintained that we would find the weapons of mass destruction, long after very many Americans were growing dubious.

Then Rumsfeld said they wouldn't find the WMDs. Then he tried to claim that the war was never about WMDs.

At that point I knew I had been 'had' by a completely (intellectually) dishonest asshole, or perhaps a set of them.

They didn't need an event. It's pretty well known that they had planned to invade Iraq for quite a while prior to 9/11. The reasons we invaded Iraq had little to do with 9/11.

In a not far off alternate universe, Clinton would have invaded Iraq in his administration. His finger was always on the trigger.

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