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My mother was an advertising art director, and I learned a lot from her, but you wouldn't say that I was basically responsible for pepperidge farm's late 1970s branding, would you? I don't think one should equate her actions (or even political beliefs) with those of her parents.

Are you seriously comparing being POTUS/SS of a global, nuclear superpower with a mid-level exec working with pepperidge farms? No dis-respect. But C'mon. People get these gigs because they have connections and are pawns in larger power games. Those games scale in proportion to the power in-volved. Sec. State Clinton was on the hook for a bunch of bad stuff (drones/cia etc) and is likely going to be the next POTUS. Which means she be put into these positions again. It's impossible to separate that stuff out from the job {title} itself. Someone has to make alot of ugly tradeoffs and thankless decisions.

The over-personalization of stuff though seems a bit less enlightened. But YMMV.

That being said, this is good energy to harness and use for the next election.

No, I'm not. I'm saying that children are not their parents. Full stop.

There are two more complicating factors involved:

1) Patronage 101 is rewarding the parent through doing favours for the child.

2) The decisionmaking of a junior person can be manipulated in its own right+

I don't think anyone needs to agree/argue with your point to see how its at best an incomplete understanding of the situation.

The same would be true in ancient rome, mideival florence, or the courts of eurpe in the 18th C.

[+] ... more easily

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