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Your forgetting she's not only on the record supporting anonymous bulk data collection, AND warrentless wiretapping. She was a key figure of the administration that created such legislation to start with.

Oh, right, forgot about that. What the fuck is going at Dropbox? How did they even come to the conclusion that this is a good idea?

I don't understand the business rationale anymore for Dropbox anymore.

An outside explanation is that political and corporate powers tend to cross-pollinate and operate with revolving doors.

Think of what doors have opened for Dropbox now that they've got Condi. Any door that Condi could open (which is quite a few) could now be opened by them.

Well she is a prominent figure in America. Just not for a lot of good reasons. The bet is likely that future government business she could bring is larger then the major exodus of people who supported them early on.

Yeah, that may be their calculation. I don't think this will sit well with german users or french users, for example though. Could really hurt their international b2c business.

I don't see how it'll sit well with anyone in the tech community, other then people who prioritize sexual equality above data integrity. The problem isn't her race, or her sex. Its her opinions, and political past. Its very damning to the company and their goals.

>The bet is likely that future government business she could bring is larger then the major exodus of people who supported them early on.

Well good for them and their stakeholders!

Hey, it's not like they're storing people's data or anything. Privacy just shouldn't be that relevant to them.

She is colored, she is a woman and she is in league with the demographic techies have hard time reaching out to (conservatives).

As politically correct and pro equal opportunity crowd as HN should be able to grok that.

Damn.. I'd forgotten about that.

I'll definitely consider hosting my truecrypt volume elsewhere once my two years of free 50gb is up..

BTsync is free as in beer, its a bit better.

Mega offers 50GB of sync for free.

Both are -okay-, if you have a spare server owncloud exists.

That seems directly counter to the goal of her helping them expand internationally. The person behind that legislation doesn't seem like the person who'd talk China etc. into opening up.

Also there is no way the person who helped destroy relations with the EU will help build business in the EU.

Sounds like Drew has reached the big leagues.

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