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Wow, and I thought the recent Mozilla thing was controversial...

Popcorn status: Ready

I don't know how much of an effect this will actually have. It will be interesting, though. The SV mob was strong enough to affect Mozilla, but a service as huge as Dropbox might be mostly immune from the mob cries. They have lots of equity outside of the HN crowd and Rice is taking a board seat, not an executive position.

It won't have an immediate effect. But once the network effect takes hold these things pick up steam fast. Bitcoin spent 3 years in obscurity before it took off.

Also if you think about it are choices of browsers are actually quite limited. You have Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, and Safari. Our choices in cloud storage provides are unlimited. Even my ISP provides the service now.

This should be stickied

at the top.

{As it was one of the first,

and most prescient comments}

Of all the things said,

It also seems

the least arguable.

If it wasn't for message boards most of those commenting would never do a damn thing, hell with comment boards they don't have too.

Its easy to be the cool, caring, and tough guy, around the internet water cooler.

Angst ridden techie hipters!

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