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Yeah I've brought it up to management. The lead dev on my current assignment doesn't like to use Skype because it "slows his computer down"

I tried to get a yammer site going but it died as well. My boss said that he prefers face-to-face interaction so I got a high-quality webcam but it's already enough of a pain to make sure he has his microphone plugged in.

-.- sounds like lazy management to me. It really shouldn't be that hard for you boss to be available on a video chat service when he knows he has remote workers.

Have you tried using google hangouts?

it's more like management that's too busy working and not managing.

that might sound ridiculous but the CEO is the lead PM on the biggest project we've ever taken on as a company. He's so busy going to planning and user meetings and managing the requirements that he doesn't have time to work on the company. I love the work and I live in the middle of nowhere which are two lame reasons I haven't seriously pursued other options.

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