As part of "Mystic" apparently the NSA monitored not only
all communications in Iraq, but also in Austria. The
basis for this was a secret treaty, by which the
government knew about it, writes an Austrian magazine.
Austria has implemented the data retention law and officially stores "connection"-data for 6 months, apparently NSA stores "everything" and is working together with the Austrian telekom companies and government.
I predict that it will eventually come out that other European nations have similar secret treaties, and that their sovereignty is circumscribed by such treaties. This is why you hear complaints, but see no action. It will be interesting to see if any popular movements against such agreements arise.
NSA allegedly listening to everything in Austria [, news article from yesterday evening]Austria has implemented the data retention law and officially stores "connection"-data for 6 months, apparently NSA stores "everything" and is working together with the Austrian telekom companies and government.