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Manual route planning for walkers/runners/cyclers.

My idea was that there are lots of fitness style apps that track where you've gone, how fast and so on, but I haven't seen anything that lets you plan your route out beforehand, see how long it'll be and then estimate how long it will take. I was thinking drawing a simple overlay on a map interface. I recently got back into walking/running and wanted to slowly ramp up what I did, but wanted a route I could get all the way through (not run until I can't, then have to still get back) so wanted to plan ahead, and also allow for cuts through parks, bush trails and so on.

Also, add elevation information. Especially for cycling, would be great to see how a slightly longer route compares to a shorter one with bigger ascents.

Wrote this, googled it and actually found something fairly useful: http://www.doogal.co.uk/RouteElevation.php

I figured there'd be some traditional route planning already done. The problem with a lot of this is it's looking for the most efficient route, rather than the route someone actually wants (eg if I want to do a circuit from my house).

Agreed that elevation is a good thing too though.

Garmin connect can do this, as can runkeeper: http://runkeeper.com/search/routes. I'm sure mapmyrun and others allow it as well? you point and click along the route and it calculates the distance for you, garmin even tells you expected time to complete.

have you tried something like www.gmap-pedometer.com? that's how i plan my routes and I've been pretty happy with it.

I hadn't, that actually looks pretty good. Thanks :)

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