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If this has no merit, wouldn't it be possible to sue Sony for libel?

An entity that files false copyright claims can face legal consequences:

> Misuse of this process may result in the suspension of your account or other legal consequences.

That said, this was probably a ContentID claim, which means the video / audio stream matched something similar-looking from Sony according to software designed by Youtube, in which case Sony isn't liable. That system is plagued by false positives since day 1.

In which case, since Youtube users agreed to the TOS, no, they are not allowed to sue for libel:

> YouTube shall not be liable to you for […] the deletion of […] any Content […] maintained or transmitted by or through your use of the Service



That TOS bit only protects YouTube, to the extent that it's applicable. It doesn't protect Sony.

ContentID is not the DMCA.

The DMCA is not the only law that holds companies responsible for their actions.

Thanks for the explanation

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