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Here's the thing: I've got a job and degree too.

I actually agree with you, it doesn't respect a person's time and energy. It sucks. But the status quo doesn't respect it either, and it in fact requires even more time and energy (several years, several thousands of dollars), but we just don't account it as such because its just the societal norm. I'm not proud of my degree. I view it as essentially a societal bribe i had to pay to the indentured institutions to be considered for 99% of decent paying jobs. So it goes.

I can't think of a way to accurately measure someone's abilities that doesn't require significant time and energy from both parties :( But i'll take such solutions over the current alternatives...

There are of course some ethical problems when companies literally try to get you to do their work during the hiring process which i can't pretend to support.

I don't really disagree with you. The entire situation sucks, and you're right. To quote a quasi-famous mad scientist, the status quo is... quo.

I just think you can give me a programming assignment that I can do in a few hours instead of an entire week, and still get the information you need to determine whether I can code well or not.

I personally love my degree. It's actually in theatre (not CS), and I really, truly believe that it taught me a lot about how to contribute to the workplace and to society in general. If I had to do it all over again, I'd probably do the same thing. But I guess we just got different things out of our degree programs. I do wish that there was a better alternative, though, for those like you who would (I assume) rather just go straight into the workforce.

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