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Looks interesting. A little bit of feedback: - I didn't like that the table of contents disappeared on me when I clicked on a page. - Related to this, it would be great for the progress widget to show the actual name of each page/chapter, if not all the time, at least when you hover with the mouse. - In the table on contents: mark in some way the links that are going to take you away from the book and into a github view. - The Next button feels too big in pc. Takes away the attention from the content itself. Thank you for your hard work!

Thanks for the feedback. We'll look into fixing this. Keep in mind we built GitBook in our spare time over the past 3 days.

Feel free to contribute with Pull Requests ! (the beauty of being open)

"Keep in mind we built GitBook in our spare time over the past 3 days."

That's impressive!

> in our spare time over the past 3 days.

nice work. you went in with a clear head. congratulations.

i will watch your further development.


Typo on the page - says 'exercices' under the Interactive heading lower right.

I completely agree. I didn't like that the table of contents disappeared. The page also made me feel like scrolling but that isn't supported. Awesome work!

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