Low credit limit? Credit's not that great? Incremental hardware upgrades? (60/month for a year is $720 and I can upgrade to the latest and greatest machine for the same price)
Nothing to argue with there. I was primarily pointing out that this company is addressing a problem that doesn't really exist in the first place. Financing for consumer purchases is readily available, and if you have bad credit you probably shouldn't be leasing a Mac for "less than your monthly cell phone bill" (nor should you likely have a cell phone bill over $60 per month...)
>if you have bad credit you probably shouldn't be leasing a Mac for "less than your monthly cell phone bill" (nor should you likely have a cell phone bill over $60 per month...)
That doesn't necessarily follow.
This is actually the boat I'm in right now. Medical bills + no real work for 1.5 years = Credit history is garbage for at least 4 more years until it falls off my report. Sure, it's paid off now, and the report reflects that, but the people and algorithms who just look at the number don't know and don't care how or why.
Practically, I could either stack up the roughly $1500 necessary to outright buy a machine and have only AppleCare, or I could just pay $60/month and have a fully covered machine that's functionally immune to both breakage and hardware updates.
(Or I could pay $200 a month to a sketchy "we rent to people with shit credit" outfit and gain all of the headache with none of the benefit)
I know which particular equation I like more...
Aside, People really need to stop basing assumptions of people's behavior on their credit score, and that goes double with the economic downturn of the past few years.