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I think it's like being a man in an all-girls gathering. You can either be awkward or the center of attention. It depends on your perception and how you would present yourself.

> You can either be awkward or the center of attention.

Or you could, say, not radically alter your behavior based on the genders of the people around you.

Or you could, say, accept that in most cultures the shared experience of associating with a specific gender while growing up leads to topics and conversations that are easier to have, sustain, and enjoy while talking to people of the same gender. This doesn't require you "radically alter your behavior", just that you understand that different groups of people often accept and find topics interesting at different levels.

Accepting it is exactly what I don't want to do - the only way common biases (like "it's weird/uncomfortable/etc being the only man speaking in a group of women") change is when they are overcome rather than accepted.

I'm not sure it's something that can - or event should - be overcome. Being a small minority in any setting, for any reason, whether is be physical characteristics, beliefs or experience can be alienating to some degree, that's a characteristic of being a minority. You are free to let that affect you in whatever way you see fit, and you are also free to use that to your advantage.

For an example that plays off the original poster's idea, imagine a group of 6 couples, 5 of which have children, and a single couple that does not. Conversation may drift into parenthood related topics based on the high percentage of parents present. The childless couple can choose their own level of involvement in this conversation, and the two ends of the spectrum are probably awkwardness and center of attention. The center of attention strategy is fairly easy to achieve in this scenario. Profess your ignorance to child rearing strategies, and you will almost instantly be regaled with countless tales from those present...

hormones, emotions, and sexuality are a hell of a drug

Huh? Or you can just be comfortable and act normally, contributing where appropriate.

Common guys. The downvotes are okay (points don't mean anything anyways). I just like to explain that what I wrote is a metaphor and that's it. It ain't to be taken literally.

Girls? Like 8 year olds? Who says 'girls' anymore?

Dunno where you live but a lot of people do.

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