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Really hope this doesn't sound like belabouring the point but...

> tpope is one of only a few driving forces over on the Vim side of Clojure

tpope is indeed one of the few, but I'd hate for people to dismiss https://github.com/guns for his work on vim-clojure-static, vim-clojure-highlight, etc. Both have done a great job on those projects, but also with engaging with the community.

And let's not forget Meikel Brandmeyer, met him once, lovely guy. But also spent a lot of time delivering VimClojure back in the day. (I'm glad I don't have to suffer nailgun any more!)

I think there's plenty enough willing people (I'm one - I've contributed 1 or 2 line snippets here and there). But the environment is actually pretty damn nice already. No complaints.

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