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You're welcome, and thank you for the comment. I noticed this as well; I'm definitely searching a way to make the vibration more noticeable. Someone else suggested abandoning the mobile phone platform altogether to make a more robust product in general. If not me, maybe Nest will do something like this with their smoke detectors. They're already connected to wifi, so it would just take a wifi-enabled vibrator do the same thing, perhaps more reliably. Still, it might be a while before every smoke detector is as smart as a Nest ;)

Maybe an iPhone case developed to magnify the vibration sensation?

That would be useful to the use of the phone in general, not just to wake up. Actually, it would be useful for me - and I am not deaf. I keep my phone on vibrate all the time and when on the streets I can only feel the vibration about 20% of the times someone calls me. And I usually i HEAR the vibration, not actually feel it.

Becoming a hardware company is a little to far from you? :)

You may want to consider adding Pebble support -- vibrations on my wrist are way more noticeable than vibrations from my phone on my bed.

wi-fi enabled vibrator sounds like an entirely different product. ; )

What about a specialized device that operates off of low energy bluetooth for communicating to the iphone? Something like this could be built with Arduino or Raspberry Pi.

John Muir, the American environmentalist of the 1800-1900's, built an "alarm clock" in 1862 that would dump the occupant off the bed at the defined time.

I really wish that the Fitbit Flex was more hackable -- if I could get a low-power bluetooth fob that could vibrate and display a few lights embedded in my watchband, that would really be all the smartwatch I need.

there are already products built for the deaf to notify them, they integrate with doorbells, smoke/fire alarms, clock alarms, i think you would have better luck on tailoring it for the deaf person that wants an alarm when they travel to friends homes, etc.

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